Collegio San Carlo Roma

International Ecclesiastical College Of St. Charles Borromeo

History of the International Ecclesiastical College St. Charles Borromeo

The 23rd session of the Council of Trent , held July 15, 1563 , ended with the approval of the decree of establishment of diocesan seminaries . Historical documents show that this approval was reached thanks to the admirable work of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo , a firm believer in the need irreplaceable seminaries for the training of priests, who were able to promote the spiritual renewal of the faithful.
Such forward-looking belief and commendable efforts of Cardinal Borromeo for the formation of priests , in this case appropriately delegated , were undoubtedly behind the decision of the Arch of Sts. Ambrose and Charles , founded in 1471, to undertake to establish a seminary for the training of priests Lombard .
In fact, over the centuries, the Cardinals of the arch protectors had always held in the premises of the same confraternity some young boarders who made ​​their way to the priesthood and to the service of the Basilica of SS. Ambrose and Charles .
But this was not enough. I understood very well Monsignor Edward Borromeo Arese , steward of His Holiness Pope Pius IX , who became a firm believer and promoter of the idea of ​​a seminary for the Lombardy-Venetia .
The next occasion was provided by the fact that they were to remain free the local sites in Via del Corso 437 , a busy time national hospital for the sick poor of Lombard origin .
Therefore , Bishop Edward Borromeo , who became a Cardinal, he strove to convince the Veneto Episcopato Lombardo to agree to create such a seminar in Rome. They were opposed to this initiative , inter alia, the lack of means of subsistence and the Government of Austria (which at that time depended on the Lombardy ) , who wanted that those who wished to become priests in the Austrian kingdom , would study to all Vienna .
But when England regained its independence from Austria , even this obstacle declined , and proceeded to the establishment of the first Lombard Seminary in Rome. It was 1863.
The Confraternity spoke to the seminarians at the Basilica of St. Carlo al Corso , two floors with 18 rooms well cleaned , in addition to the chapel , the library room , the dining hall and a terrace .
The confrere Duke Thomas Gallarati Scotti came to give the sum of 8,500 pounds for the operation of such a seminar . First Vice-Rector Fr Peter was Prada, and then was appointed as Rector of Don Antonio Muller. The first community consisted of 12 students , some already priests and other clerics in holy orders , who attended the various institutions of higher education , and in particular Apollinaris and the Gregorian . They offered their services to the annexed Basilica and liturgical also benefitting from grants and bequests, made ​​available by the brothers of the arch .
In this regard deserves special mention the generous financial support given by the guardian of the arch , Comma . Vimercati , Don Achille Ratti, the future Pope Pius XI , who in December 1879 he celebrated his first Holy Mass in front of the Heart of St. Carlo .
The Lombard Seminary continued to enjoy the hospitality of the arch semigratuita until 1887 , when the Rector Msgr Fountain built a new workshop in Via Gioacchino Belli Prati . Later, after a certain period when it was joined to the Pontifical Roman Seminary ( from 1913 until 1920 ), the Lombard Seminary shooting his own activities in other areas of Rome before being Mascherone is then (from 1930 ) in the its current headquarters at St. Maria Maggiore.
Nell'Arciconfraternita Meanwhile, true to the spirit of its founder priestly S. Charles was always a keen desire to resume the service of charity towards the priests . Only expected a happy new opportunity to implement this commitment also outwardly .
That happened with Archbishop Francesco Bertoglio who, before being auxiliary bishop of Milan , he was for 31 years rector of the seminary Lombardo.
He left the seminary and appointed Primicerius the arch of SS. Ambrose and Charles , and thought the time is ripe , therefore , asked for and received in 1963 by the Congregation of Seminaries ( today the Congregation for Catholic Education ) approval for the new institution , founded by him on in order to accommodate the priests who , coming from all parts of the world and sent by their ordinary , came to Rome to complete their spiritual and intellectual formation .
The Confraternity therefore put at the disposal of the " International Ecclesiastical College St. Charles ' premises previously used by the Lombard Seminary . Indeed, in order to offer hospitality to a greater number of priests , were added other rooms , restored some time ago by the previous Primicerius , Bishop Villa ( missionary bishop ) .
Since then, the College has been able to play well with fruit , his activities to the benefit of many priests , an activity that continues to this day making the big present today , " caritas " by S. Carlo towards sacerdorti , for whose training he labored during his whole life , with his whole heart .
A foundation and support of these activities are now pose the Statute and the Rules that are herewith published after being approved by the competent authority.

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