Collegio San Carlo Roma

International Ecclesiastical College Of St. Charles Borromeo



All the intervention of consolidation and restoration work, in its various stages of planning and construction was led and coordinated by ...

the one who is the owner of the monumental St. Carlo: the Confraternity of Saints Ambrose and Charles , commonly known as the Confraternity of Lombardi , firmly supported the largest financial commitment of the entire project and has stimulated the artists , as principal, creativity and a commitment that they were all ' height of the place where the saints are celebrated the Christian mysteries.


Now that the work is finished, after nearly two decades of hard work , we wanted to prepare and publish a book , so that those who love this basilica, or enter it for the first time or just want to know even from afar, have the opportunity better appreciate what has been done . The book, which consists of three parts:

I) The historical;

II) The art and architecture;

III) The restoration has been printed for the Solemnity of St. Charles (4 November) of 2004 , and you can find directly above the Basilica . Its title is: The Basilica of SS. Ambrose and Charles, Rome - Restored (1987-2004) , Rome 2004.

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