Collegio San Carlo Roma

International Ecclesiastical College Of St. Charles Borromeo

International Ecclesiastical College of Saint Charles Borromeo.

Recognized by S. Seat in 1963, consisting in church organization in 1995, depends on the Congregation for Catholic Education, with the patronage of the Catholic Bishops' Conference Lombarda.

Welcomes diocesan priest-students of the various parts of the world, sent to Rome by their Bishops, to complete their priestly formation.

Our feature

The International Ecclesiastical College of Saint Charles Borromeo is characterized by the internationality of the priests, who live a fraternal community life, focusing on the liturgical life.

Where to find us

The College is located on Via del Corso 437, 00186 Rome, in premises made available free of charge dall'Arciconfraternita SS. Ambrose and Charles. It has 45 rooms.

College San Carlo


However, about two years after the death of St. Francis, who already Brother Elias, the successor to the command of the Order, received the gift of a plot of land, out of the western gate of Assisi, a steep place where you Subasio hanged criminals and therefore called the Hill of Hell.

On that place already cursed would sort a huge church that would accept the body of the great saint .

From the Bishopric, where he was a guest of the Bishop of Assisi , St. Francis had ordered , on a stretcher , the Portiuncula. He died on the ground of his "place" favorite . But the fellow did not keep even one day the body of St. Francis near the church . On the morning of October 4 brought him back into the city , passing by St. Damiano , Clare and her companions because they could finally kiss the stigmata .

By S. Damian was taken to be buried in the church of S. George, who was in the city and in the vicinity of his home . In the church July 16, 1228 Gregory IX solemnly proclaimed the sanctity of the great son of Assisi and the next day, invited by Brother Elias , the Pope went on the Hill of Hell to bless the first stone of the new building in honor of the great Saint.

On May 25, 1230 , less than four years after the death of the saint, the lower church was completed and could be brought the body of the saint.

By S. Mary of the Angels , looking Subasio , at the western end of the city you can see clearly the massive construction of Brother Elias , supported by huge buttresses on the precipice . It seems as a fortified building and immediately raises the idea of ​​a stronghold . And that was built by Brother Elias was the material and the spiritual stronghold of the Franciscans , as well as being one of the most beautiful expressions of art inspired by the glory of the saint from Assisi




  • Places of the spirit


International Ecclesiastical College of Saint Charles Borromeo

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